We hope you are continuing to stay safe while this ongoing uncertainty into its 3rd month. Even with the outbreak, Little Thetford Parish Council continues to work on your behalf.
Though we are not able to meet in person, legislation was passed at the beginning of April enabling us to be able to meet remotely. We now manage to meet at usual, on the second Wednesday of the month. Please keep an eye on the website and the Facebook page for details to log in if you would like to attend. It was great to see that we had 7 residents attend our Annual Meeting this month.
Here is a summary of the work we are undertaking:
- At the Annual Meeting on 13th May, Graham James was elected as Chairman for the forthcoming 12 months. Alison Kilby was re-elected as Vice-Chairman.
- We would like to thank Charlotte Mitchell for all her work as Chairman for the last 12 months which has been a challenging time. Thank you Charlotte, your support is appreciated. Charlotte continues as a Councillor for the Parish Council for which we are very grateful.
- Several playground companies are looking at how we can improve the playground. Some equipment will be kept as there is nothing wrong with it, but others will be replaced. Thank you to everyone who had an input into potential items for the playground through the Facebook page.
- Tender documents have been sent out to 4 contractors to bid for the work to create the Cemetery Extension. We hope to have their quotations back later this month.
- Little Thetford Parish Council has successfully bid for and been approved to receive 420 trees in the autumn to be planted in the Conservation Area. We will be working with an Ecologist shortly to make sure we enhance this area for the benefit of the village.
- Recruitment for a new parish clerk will be commencing again shortly. The original recruitment was stopped short due to the outbreak. All applicants have been and continue to be kept informed.
- Don’t forget to visit the new website littlethetfordparishcouncil.org.uk where you will find all our contact details, agendas for meetings, associated minutes, etc. We also have a Facebook page you can visit if this is something you have access to.
Don’t forget that minutes are available on the website with detailed information about decisions made and the work we are undertaking.
If you have anything you feel the Parish Council should be aware of, please do not hesitate to contact us or pop along to one of our monthly meetings.
Graham James, Chairman