I have attached all dates for Little Thetford Parish Council's full meetings. The Annual Parish Meeting will be held between 1st March and 1st June- However this date hasn't yet been agreed. As...
***Clerk Holiday***
I will be on holiday with no access to emails or telephone between 16th and 23rd July. Throughout the school holidays I will be on reduced hours and will only deal with urgent items. Anything for...
Annual Parish Meeting- 22nd May 2024
All members of the public are welcome to the Parish Councils 'Annual Parish Council' meeting. This is an informal meeting where the Parish Council will share their end of year reports,...
***Change of Date for the May parish council meeting***
The date for the May Parish Council meeting (Meeting of the Parish Council) will be held on Wednesday 15th May 2024. The location and time remain the same. Thankyou Amy Jacklin-...
**Clerks Holiday**
The clerk will be on annual leave from Monday 8th April until Friday 12th April 2024. Emails and telephone calls will not be monitored during this...
**Change of date- April parish council meeting**
There has been a change of date for Aprils Parish Council The new date is Wednesday 17th April 2024 at 7.30pm. Sorry for any inconvenience caused Everybody...
**Change of Date- February Parish Council Meeting**
The date of the next Parish Council meeting has changed. The February Parish Council meeting will be 7th February instead of the 14th. The timings will be the...
Civility and Respect Pledge Certificate June 2023
Civility and Respect Pledge Certificate 1244...
Notice of Parish Council Elections
Notice Of Election Parish (DC)...
Little Thetford Annual Parish Report 2022