Little Thetford Parish Council raises money by precept (a mandatory demand) on East Cambs District Council. The precept required is then collected by the District Council as part of the Council Tax levied on tax payers in the parish.
At its meeting on 9th December 2020, Little Thetford Parish Council approved its budget for 2020/21 at £18,500 with a precept of £17,250 which reflects no change from the budget for 2019/20.
The Parish Council has to prepare a budget by January each year for the ensuing financial year which runs from 1 April to 31 March. Every payment and receipt from/to the Council is listed on the Payment Schedule which forms part of the Parish Council Meeting Minutes and is published on this site with the minutes. Council accounts are available for scrutiny by any resident by appointment with the Clerk/RFO of the Council.
The budget fixed in December 2018 for the year 2019 /20 is listed in the ‘Budget & Precept Documents’ panel to the right.
Previous years’ budgets and the annual plan can also be seen in the ‘Budget & Precept Documents’ panel to the right.
The budget and the annual plan are reviewed during the budget setting process and formally agreed at a Parish Council Meeting when the budget is set for the following year. All projects are reviewed continually at Parish Council meetings.